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The Partners Group AG has sold a one-year brand company to the Schweizer Börse. The Aktienkurs der International Tätigen Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft erreichte on 30. November einen Stand von 1,377.00 EUR, was een monatlichen Zuwachs von 6,65 Prozent inspricht. With a market capitalization of EUR 36.8 million, it has the best position on the market as a player in the financial sector.
Aktuelle Finanzkennzahlen
The active knowledge of human beings reflects the solid society more broadly. For the year 2024, a KGV of 30.17 was predicted, which is the Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis against 18.94. The Cash-Flow pro Promotion raised EUR 24.09 from a collection of EUR 26.7 million in outstanding securities.
Partners Group AG Action: Buy or sell?! Neue Partners Group AG Analysis vom 1. Dezember liefert die Antwort:
The noses Partners Group AG-Zahlen speak a clear Sprache: Urgent Handlongsbedarf for Partners Group AG-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis of 1. This month the time had come.
Partners Group AG: Buy or sell? Read more here…
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